The city of the female entrepreneurship: a precious collection of tools aimed to simplify the business operations for women in our country

Strengthen the corporate culture and the active participation of the women to the economic life of our country, in a critical moment such the one we are experiencing now at an international level. This goal is pursued through a modern tool, technologically advanced but, at the same time, quickly and easily consultable.


The city of the women’s entrepreneurship is a cd-rom which includes a precious collection of tools (of a legal, contractual, technological, managerial and cultural nature) aimed to make easier to make enterprise for the women in our country. The concept behind this project is that the technology, walking alongside of actions and tools typical of the equal opportunities promotion, can be at women service to foster their  entrepreneurship and self-employment path.

Through a simple, captivating and metaphorical language, which lead the user into the navigation through different environments of a city, the cd-rom expresses this basic logic:

For a community of the women’s entrepreneurship which is healthy, strong and lasting two conditions are fundamentals at the same degree: information & training and a series of contingents conditions and facilitators which allow the realization of the city as a system:

  • technology:  contributes and make easier the resources optimization, the exchanges, the visibility.
  • law: with its positive action establishes equal starting positions.
  • domestic environment: if it is characterized by the sharing of the roles and by the overcoming of the stereotypes
  • services: private and public services to support the care areas jobs
  • business culture: corporate social responsibility and specific contractual treatment
  • best practices: good examples to keep in mind

What's more 
summarize in an overall tool of information, training and consultancy elements to support the business start-up and tools and methods of the equal opportunities promotion.