Cusotmer Satisfaction Analysis: The Report Card


  • Establish an effective communication process with the customer aimed to focus the business areas which need to be implemented and improved.
  • Get a sintetic indicator of the customer satisfaction relative to the business perfomance aggregated into three macro areas: Company, Product, Services.
  • Supervise precisely and systematically the satisfaction of each customer in continuative way (Permanent archive of the Customer Retention’s reports)


The web based tool developed by Kaos for this kind of operation is a questionnaire whose judgments are expressed in a numerical parameters.

The logic behind this project is the creation of a direct and instant relationship with the customer. The speed and easy of the survey’s compiling encourage the client to express his own opinion and assure a good perception of the initiative which results characterized by a strong sense of gratification perceived, as demonstrated by the high spontaneous redemption rate.

In case of bad report from the customer, the survey’s structure requires further indication from the respondents about the possible implementation action aimed to fulfill the satisfaction gap. Furthermore it is previewed a Hints and Tips section where the customer can give his advices.

What are the advantages of a web based tool?

  • The possibility to present the questionnaire to the whole customer database and, at the same time, customize the questions for the specific clients’ clusters;
  • The possibility to extract easily and quickly the survey’s results in real time respect to their compilation by the clients
  • The possibility to consult and keep an historical archive of the customer satisfaction, both for the single customer and for the whole customer database

Even in this case Kaos intervention can be composed by the tool’s development and by the customer relationship management in the answers’ collection phase which can maximize the effectiveness of the operation and its good perception.

What's more
Provide an intuitive, synthetic and bidirectional tool, for the monitoring of the customer satisfaction, creating a new relationship’s modality with the target.